When to Hire a Professional Genealogist
There are many reasons why you might need a professional genealogist. We frequently receive calls from people who say they have gone as far as they can with the available online genealogy research sources. The “low hanging fruit” can be gleaned online, but the process becomes more difficult after three or four successful generations. Many of the pedigrees posted online have errors and lack documentation. An erroneous family tree can be replicated by others, thereby perpetuating false information. This happens at an astonishing rate!
Limited Access to Genealogical Records
Most people do not have easy access to the necessary genealogical records to adequately research their own ancestors. They may not have the time to travel around to the various locations where their ancestors lived. Many cities and counties have genealogical or historical societies, or a section in their public library. These can be wonderful resources for family history. They vary greatly in their scope and content.
Heritage Consulting Genealogy Research Services conducts research mainly at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. The Family History Library is by far the largest repository of genealogical and family history research sources in the world. In this one 5-story building, records from all over the world have been pulled together under one roof. There is an entire floor for British Isles records, and a floor dedicated to other international records. In the rare cases that we do not have access to a particular record through the Family History Library, we have contacts in the field who can do searches and retrieve records for us. Our focus is on original records, not published pedigrees, whether in print or online. We may look at such sources for clues, but with a skeptical eye, and subject to verification from original records.
Time Limitations
Genealogy research takes lots of time and patience. A professional genealogist can put together a bound report after twenty hours of research that might take weeks for someone who has limited time and access to records. At Heritage Consulting Genealogy Research Services, our professionally written research reports are a concise presentation of the research process, along with the documents, pedigree charts and family group sheets. These are comb-bound together with a nice cover, making the report a family keepsake. When the report is passed on to descendants or other family members, the knowledge of their ancestors will be transmitted clearly.
Experienced Professional Genealogists
Our researchers are seasoned professionals, with many years of experience. This is how they make their living. This is their career of choice. We retain only the best! We have a regular staff of about twelve researchers in Salt Lake City, and we can tap professional researchers in the field any time the need arises. Some of our researchers travel to foreign countries and do on-site research for our clients.

Working with a Professional Genealogist
When you hire a professional genealogist, they should listen to your specific research goals and work with you to attain the best outcome. That’s exactly what we do. Whatever your reasons for hiring a professional genealogist, whether to learn your country of origin, determine Native American heritage, identify a Revolutionary War Patriot, and so forth, Heritage Consulting Genealogy Research Services is backed by nearly 40 years of experience and reputation to meet your goals.
Contact Heritage Consulting
Call us at 877-537-2000, and visit our website, www.heritageconsulting.com. We can send you our ‘Terms of Service’ agreement, so that you will learn about our obligation to you, once research is contracted. We look forward to working with you!